Web Services

The Web Services department is responsible for directing and maintaining the development of all content on this website: www.tonlexia.com.

The goal of Web Services is to provide every unit on campus with the web assistance they need; from recruitment to academics, from marketing to accreditation, down to the day-to-day business of running a university.

If you are updating part of the website, you are expected to understand and follow the policy, requirements, and best practices.

Request an Update Contact Us

Current Tickets

Current active web tickets divided up by the administrative area the ticket reporter reports through.

Web Scores

SUU Web Services uses a web governance tool called Siteimprove to regularly scan our site for errors and legal issues. The scores it generates are out of 100. More precise scores can be pulled for specific departments or pages if you contact the team.

Some university Web resources are not managed by our team.

Web Services is a division of the SUU Information Technology department.