SUU Information Technology

Contact the IT Help Desk:
(435) 865-8200

Purchasing Computers


We maintain a list of supported computer platforms. We have also negotiated special pricing with Dell. Your IT support person can get your department an eQuote with our Dell Premier pricing. You will get the best PC for your money and it will conform to our supported platforms.


Apple computers can be purchased through the Authorized Campus Store located in the SUU Bookstore.


Anything purchased that is not on the list of supported computer platforms will not be supported by IT. IT will not troubleshoot, repair, provide network connectivity, or provide SUU owned software for installation on such devices.

Campus Phones

Phone Services is a division of the SUU Information Technology Department and is responsible for providing IP phone service, and voicemail for the university. They also provide conference call options and phones for meetings.


Phone Services

Web Services

Web Services is a division of the SUU Information Technology Department and is responsible for the public-facing SUU website on

Web Services